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How to take care of your health and home?

The warm days and long evenings of the summer season offer us countless opportunities for relaxation and entertainment. It is still summer and we have...
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The importance of insurance in today's world

Insurance is often perceived as a complex and uninteresting task, but the reality is that it plays a key role in protecting people and their families,...
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Keep safe and protected all summer long

Important summer insurance tips for a worry-free season Summer is here with long sunny days and a schedule full of outdoor adventures. It's time to think...
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I shall be traveling abroad for planned medical treatment. Will Travel Insurance policy cover my medical expenses?

This is one of the exclusions under Travel Insurance and these medical expenses will not be covered. The insurance does not cover medical expenses incurred for the purpose of planned treatment, as well as does not include the treatment expenses for any pre-existing condition or illness.

What to do if an Insured event occurs?

You need to notify us and file a claim. The deadlines for reporting and the method of filing are described in the insurance contract. In any case, we recommend that you call us as soon as possible after the incident.

What type of buildings can be insured under Home Property Insurance?

Apartments, houses, other buildings and structures of a special type such as garages, barns, fences, etc. may be insured.

What should I do if I need urgent medical care and/or emergency treatment outside of working hours?

During non-working hours, you can visit a chosen by you medical facility for urgent or emergency medical care. Please, gather all medical and financial documents for the health care goods and services used. Expenses shall be reimbursed under the terms of your Insurance.

What are the Home Insurance Property Coverages?

A standard policy usually provides coverage against major risks as fire, natural disasters, floods, storms, hail. Additionally, upon your request, coverage against risks such as earthquake, theft, malicious acts of third parties and etc. may be included.