European motorways - the new Bermuda Triangle

Did you know that cargo theft in Europe has continued to rise in recent years.

According to an article in the transport magazine StraGü:

"The Bermuda Triangle in recent years for carriers is not the Atlantic Sea, but rather the roads of Europe. In addition to the day-to-day challenges of the transport business, many carriers are increasingly confronted with rising highway crime and the consequences arising from this situation."

Here are some interesting figures:

  • Around 4% of hijackings and the rate of cargo theft from public car parks is over 64% - the greatest risk of theft is during holiday periods.
  • The region in Europe with the most cargo thefts stretches from the German Rhineland through Northern France and Belgium to the UK - the so-called Bermuda Triangle.
  • In this region alone, authorities recorded more than 14,000 cargo thefts last year.

And the most sought-after product groups in the eyes of the well-organised gangs of thieves are:

  • Food/Drinks 16%
  • Electronic equipment 16 %
  • Car Parts / Tyres 13 %
  • Textiles 13 %
  • Household products 11 %
  • Metals 10 %